Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa is getting its Internet bandwidth from BSNL. Total bandwidth availability from BSNL source is 1000 Mbps (leased line). University has 1 Gbps connectivity under NKN Network of MHRD (NME-ICT) via BSNL.
Server along with Juniper Router + Extreme Switches + Sonic Firewalls has been established in the New Administrative Building, YVU. Entire University campus is connected with Server Room through Optical Fiber Cable (OFC) for uninterrupted internet connectivity.
IT & Network Cell has been entrusted the responsibility of maintaining the following facilities:
1. Internet connectivity in the University Campus.
2. University Website.
3. Biometric Attendance.
4. Computer and peripheral systems.
IT & Network Cell is also providing the following services:
1. Equipped with Office 365.
2. Equipped with Google Workplace.
Creating a web link for online meetings (Webinars / Ph.D. Viva-voce Examinations, Executive Council of YVU meetings etc.,).